Getting started

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Getting started

The Albion Tutorials cover the the more advanced functions of Albion. It is therefore recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the basic functions as described in the Albion Quick Start Guide.  Since Albion is basically a combination of both CAD and GIS, the Albion Tutorials are for explanatory purposes divided into the following:

Albion CAD Tutorial: Advanced CAD Exercise

Albion GIS Tutorial: Advanced CAD Exercise

Albion General Tutorial: Advanced Printing (Relevant to both CAD and GIS applications)


Important Note:

Before you start, copy the required tutorial data files to your Documents (also sometimes known as My Documents) folder as follows:

Create the folder This PC\Documents\GLS\Albion if not present

If you have the 64bit edition of Albion installed:

Copy the contents of the C:\Program Files\GLS\Albion\Documents folder to This PC\Documents\GLS\Albion, overwriting any previous files

If you have the 32bit edition of Albion installed:

Copy the contents of the C:\Program Files (x86)\GLS\Albion\Documents folder to This PC\Documents\GLS\Albion, overwriting any previous files