About Text

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About Text



A Text object contains one or more lines of simply formatted text.



A text object can be either single or multiline text.

It is defined by the following attributes:


The height of the text indicates the height of a single line of text in the current coordinate system. If the text contains multiple lines, then the distance from the start of one line to the start of the next is equal to the height.


The angle defines the angle of the text off the positive x axis. The default angle of zero produces a straight line of text.

Style (Font)

The style is directly related to the font, and bears the same name. Only TrueType and OpenType fonts are supported.


The justification defines how the insertion point relates to the position of the text.

Insertion Point

The insertion point is a location used to define the position of the text. This is used in combination with the Justification to define the exact position of the text.


The color of the text.



Text can be created with the command Text.


If a single text item is selected, then double-clicking on it will invoke the text editor. Alternatively, right click and select "Edit Text".

If more than one text item is selected, then they can be edited simultaneously by right clicking, and selecting Modify > Text > Edit Text.


See also

Create Text