When is My Data Saved to Disk?

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When is My Data Saved to Disk?

The Albion GIS data manipulation ideology differs from many other GIS packages in the immediacy of data edit operations. Many GIS packages require that one explicitly begin an edit operation, and as soon as one is done, your modifications are written to disk (or to the networked database, as the case may be). Albion GIS does not work this way. No changes are made to the underlying data store until you expressly click save layer or you save the entire project.

While performing your edits, you also have comprehensive Undo functionality. There is however no redo available; this is a performance/feature tradeoff that we deemed prudent. Allowing redo would in many cases require significantly more amounts of memory and processing time.

The bottom line is, your GIS data is saved when you click Save, and at no other time.