Sort Descending

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Sort Descending

Sort Ascending (select from Right-click Menu of Database Table).

Sort records ascending.

This function sorts the records in the table ascending with the following options (accessible from a sub-menu):


Case Sensitive -  Capital letters will appear below all lower case letters.

Non-Case Sensitive - Upper and lower case letters will have no effect on the the sorting order.

Numerically, If NaN - use '0.0' - Alphanumeric text (i.e. that start with a number) will appear above all 'pure' alphabetic text.

Numerically, If NaN - as Text (Case Sensitive)  - Alphanumeric text (that start with a number) will appear below all 'pure' alphabetic text. Sorting will further conform to the Case Sensitive option described above.

Numerically, If NaN - as Text (Case Insensitive)  - Alphanumeric text (that start with a number) will appear below all 'pure' alphabetic text. Sorting will further conform to the Non-Case Sensitive option described above.


Numeric field values will be sorted with largest values appearing at the top of the list.

A downwards pointing arrow will appear in the header of the field, to indicate descending sorting order is active. Note, right-click access to this function is only available when right-clicking on a column header in the database table.

See Also

No Sorting (in grid)

Sort Ascending