Open Street Maps

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Open Street Maps

Maps > Open Street Maps (select from Main Menu)

Provide access to OpenStreetMaps.

OpenStreetMaps (OSM) is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafes, railway stations, and much more all over the world. The OSM  website, data and services are formally operated by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF). For more information visit their site The following background maps can be loaded:


Show Standard Map: This map is an overview map showing towns, builtup areas, roads, streets, mountains, rivers and lakes.

Show Contour Map: A map showing contour lines. Resolution depends on the availability of captured data at the area.

Show Contour Map: This is a combination of Standard Map and Contour Map (i.e. contour lines on top of site overview information such as towns, roads, etc.)