Status of Wadiso

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Status of Wadiso

The help manual reflects the status of Wadiso, as of the release of Version 6.1. It is the intent to continuously revise and update the program to meet the needs of the users. A potential user should check with the program developers at GLS Consulting, PO Box 814, Stellenbosch, ZA 7599, South Africa phone number +27-21-8800388, to determine whether any revisions have been issued, since this version of Wadiso has been released. Continuous updates of the program will be placed on the webpages of Wadiso ( and of GLS Consulting (, and can be downloaded by registered users.


The main menu option Help > History of Changes > Wadiso shows the latest changes that have been made.


The users of Wadiso are encouraged to provide the program developers with feedback, in order to assist the program developers to further improve Wadiso.