Adjustment of the Critical Period Technique for complex systems

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Navigation:  Wadiso 6 User Guide > Tank Cost Optimization to be included in future Wadiso version > Storage Tank Optimization Technique and General Concepts > Critical Period Tank Sizing Technique >

Adjustment of the Critical Period Technique for complex systems

The basic critical period technique is applicable only to simple systems such as the one depicted in the Simple Pipe Network Layout. In more complex networks, the tank may be situated inside the consumption area rather than upstream of it, there may be more than one source feeding the system, or there may be multiple tanks in the system. For such systems the inflow (Q) into the system is not a constant, and there may be interaction between different tanks. The technique was therefore adjusted for such systems. A complete description of the adjusted technique is beyond the scope of this document. Should the user of the program require more information on this technique, the program developers of Wadiso can be contacted.