Water Quality Settings

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Water Quality Settings

The Water Quality Settings in the time/WQ simulation data dictates the type of water quality analysis to be done. Options are None (for no quality analysis), Chemical (for tracking the growth/decay of a chemical constituent, such as chlorine), Age (for water age analysis), and Trace (for tracing the water originating at a specific node throughout the system).


In addition, the Relative Diffusivity can be specified. This is the molecular diffusivity of the chemical being analysed, relative to that of chlorine in water. The default value is 1.0. Diffusivity is only used when mass transfer limitations are considered in pipe wall reactions. A value of 0 will result in mass transfer limitations being ignored.


The Quality Tolerance specifies the difference in water quality level below which one can say that one parcel of water is essentially the same as another. The default is 0.01 for all types of quality analyses (chemical, age (measured in hours), or source tracing (measured in percent)).