APPENDIX A: Scripting in Albion GIS

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APPENDIX A: Scripting in Albion GIS

There are two types of scripts in Albion GIS:

SQL - Used to perform queries on data.

Lua - Used to produce textual output, such as for feature labels. Lua is also used as a generic scripting language that you can use to manipulate databases.


SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is the de facto database language used throughout the world to query and alter databases.

In Albion GIS, SQL is used throughout, wherever the need arises for the user to define a customized query. Albion GIS uses the open source SQLite engine to provide SQL functionality.

To get acquainted with SQL syntax, explore the following samples:

SQL Samples



Lua is a general purpose scripting language. It is made available in Albion GIS mainly for the purpose of writing customized text labels.

To get acquainted with Lua syntax, explore the following samples and manual:

Lua Text Script Samples

Lua Freeform Script Samples

Lua Manual