Execute Lua Script

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Execute Lua Script

Edit > Execute Lua Script (select from Database Table Menu or apply Crtl+E Keyboard Shortcut Key)

Manipulate database tables based on a Lua Script.

This function manipulates database tables (of spatial entities or non-spatial tabular data) based on a Lua Script defined in the Script box:


The Lua Script consisting of field names and operators (>,  <,  =,  <>, <= and >=) must be typed into the above white input box.  

When typing in a Lua Script, drop-down menus with possible commands will appear to assist you with the syntax.

Optionally, you can select a field from a drop-down list and then click the Insert Field button (as shown above) to facilitate the scripting process (and avoid spelling mistakes). The Insert Table button can be used similarly to combine fields from other tables into the script.

Click the Run button to execute the script (the above example will double the values of the AADD field in the CityShapes layer data table).

Scripts can be saved and loaded in to be reused or to extend current scripts.