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Navigation:  Albion 6 GIS User Guide > User Interface Elements > Menus > Database Table > Edit >


Edit > Text (select from Database Table Menu)

Text manipulation functions.

Performs the following text manipulation on the currently selected cell values (accessible from a sub-menu)::


Upper Case - Converts text to upper case.

Lower Case - Converts text to lower case.

Capitalize - Converts text so that it each word in a sentence starts with a capital letter (and all other letters of a word are lower case).

Sentence Case - Converts text so that the first word in a sentence starts with a capital letter (and all other letters in the sentence are lower case).

Trim - Trims text from the from both sides by a specified number of characters.

Trim Left - Trims text from left side by a specified number of characters.

Trim Right - Trims text from right side by a specified number of characters.