Cross Table LookUp (VLookUp)

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Cross Table LookUp (VLookUp)

Execute SQL > Select Highlight Records Query  > Cross Table LookUp (VLookUp) (select from Database Table Menu)

Highlight and select matching cross-referencing records in the database table .

This function performs cross-referencing (VLookUp) checks with another specified look up table based on a common key field and selects/highlights records accordingly. The setup for the cross-referencing checks can be done via the following dialog box:


Match Field is the key field in the current table, wheres Look up Table and Look up Field can be selected to define the external look up referencing table and the look up field in that table.

If the tick box: Where values are not found in look up table is not ticked, as shown above, then matching records will be selected and highlighted in the table:


When the above tick box is ticked, however, then the inverse, viz. the non-matching records will be selected and highlighted in the table.