Overview of steps to create drawing

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Overview of steps to create drawing

An overview of the steps needed to complete the drawing of this exercise, is given below:


Create construction crosshairs for guidance

Create new layer: Text

Input text with center of text as hook point on cross point

Set text colour as blue (i.e. pen 5), and height 10 m

Create additional constructions lines

Create new layer: Lines

oDraw 4 diagonal lines with dimensions shown

oChange colour of the lines as indicated to blue (5), red (1), cyan (4) and magenta (6)

Create new layer: Polylines

oDraw polylines with dimensions shown

Copy text and paste with hook point on the "southern" created polyline

oRotate the text by 30 degrees, with the hook point as reference point

oChange the colour of this text to red (1)

Create new layer: Arrows

oDraw arrows as indicated

oChange line width of arrows to 0.6 m, and target head length and width of 10 m

Create new layer: Polygon

oDraw a polygon with dimensions indicated or create by joining polylines

oSet the polygon brush to green (3).

oSet the polygon line to orange (40) with a width of 3.5 m

oAdjust the brush opacity to increase the transparency

Create new layer: Circle

oCreate a circle with the dimensions shown

Adjust layer order to following (first layer is top most)







Adjust the lines on the Lines layer to width of 1.4 m

Removing construction lines

Save drawing