Drawing Tables

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Drawing Tables


At the heart of every drawing is a set of tables. This document briefly describes them.

The following is a list of the standard tables in a drawing:






Block (Insertion Symbols)

Text Style

Paper Space Layouts (only exists in a Model Space drawing)



Dimension Style

From the main menu (Tools > Mange Tables) one can access a simple table manager that allows you to delete records, and in certain cases to edit individual table records. Certain tables, such as the layer table, are managed from a more specialized interface (the Layer Control box).

Every bitmap that you load becomes a record inside the bitmap table. Likewise, every linetype that you can use is a record inside the linetype table. From the table manager, one can delete records, or delete unused records. When one saves a drawing, there is a tick box on the Save window that allows one to choose whether to include unused records. Not ticking this box is a convenient way of cleaning out any unneccesary records inside a drawing.

table record linetype texture bitmap block symbol remove erase rid purge clean cleanout delete