View Control

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View Control


A description of the functions for controlling control the view, is given below:



The mouse wheel is the preferred method of manipulating the view. If your mouse does not have a wheel then you can still access all the view functions, but it is more cumbersome.

Pan: Hold down mouse wheel (or middle button) and drag the view.

Zoom: Move the cursor over the position you wish to zoom into or out of, and scroll the mouse wheel.


Keyboard + Mouse (without a mouse wheel)

Pan: Hold down the space bar and move the mouse.

Zoom In / Out: The ']' and '[' keys are by default assigned to Zoom Out and Zoom In respectively. The position of the zoom depends on the cursor position.


View related commands (which can be entered in the Command Bar)

Zoom <All, Out, In, Factor (e.g. 2.0), Window, Paper (R), Selected>