Status and Command Bars

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Status and Command Bars

The Status and Command Bars can be grouped into the following:


File Status Bar

Lists horizontally all the drawing file names that are active, i.e. the files loaded into the current Albion session.



Command Panel/Window

Albion command prompts and some function results are listed on this panel. The user can scroll up/down the list.



Command Line/Bar

This is an editable bar on which the user can reply to the above command prompts.


Status Bar

Albion function results, number of objects selected, error messages, etc. are indicated on this bar.


The right-hand side of the bar contains the label,  'Model' / 'Paper'. When clicking on this label the view toggles between Model Space and Paper Space.

The X,Y and Z  (or Lat, Long coordinates, if the view is not projected) are displayed on the right-hand corner of the Status Bar.