Extract Centroids as Points

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Extract Centroids as Points

Modify > Centroids as Points (select from Main Menu)

Extract centroids as points on selected objects.

This function extracts the centroids of selected polyline/polygon objects as point objects, i.e. point objects are created at the centre of these objects. The centroid point objects are created on the same layer as the polyline/polygon layer. If a polyline is not closed, the function will calculate the centroid point as if it were a closed polygon (i.e. it will temporarily or rather virtually close the polyline for the calculation). Note, a straight line or a polyline cannot be closed and has no centroid. The function will flag these invalid objects by simply placing the centroid point on the first vertex of the object.

Also note that the polylines/polygons must be selected, otherwise the function will not be invoked.

See Also

Extract Vertices as Points