Generate Contours

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Generate Contours

Tools > DTM > Generate Contours (select from Main Menu)

Generate contours from DTM points.

This functions generates contours from DTM points via the settings as specified in the ensuing Generate Contours box:


Some important aspects to note:

Source Dtm: Select from the drop-down list the DTM to use for the contour generation. The drop-down list will show all DTMs currently in memory.

Advanced & Text: Click this button to access the advanced options on the right page (page will appear/disappear when button is clicked)

Start and End Elevation: Can be entered or click the Get From Dtm button to obtain values automatically from the DTM.

Layer: The output CAD layer must be selected form the drop-down list.

GIS Layer: If there are GIS layers active in the project, you can select a GIS layer as output layer.

Elevation Field: For GIS layer output, an elevation field can be selected. The contour elevation values will be written to the specified field.