Bitmap Tiling

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Bitmap Tiling


The bitmap tiling system manages large bitmaps.

Albion treats large bitmaps specially. A bitmap is considered large if either of its dimensions are greater than 1024 pixels.

Large bitmaps, upon first load, are split up into smaller manageable tiles, which are saved into a file with the same name as the bitmap, but with the extension BCF. The location of the BCF file can be chosen, and is configurable from the CAD setup. If a large bitmap is loaded, the CAD will search in the directory for a BCF file with the same name. If one is found, then that will be used instead of loading the large bitmap. Once created, the BCF file can be used as a normal bitmap inside the CAD. The creation of the BCF file can take a long time, but loading it afterwards will be much faster.

See Also

Working With Bitmaps