Tips and Tricks

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Tips and Tricks



1.There are tooltips everywhere. If in doubt, hover the cursor over an item.

2.Right-clicking on a layer name in the layer selection drop-down list selects all objects on that layer. Ctrl+ and Alt+ Right-clicking modify the selection mode.

3.The mouse wheel is the preferred method of manipulating the view (i.e. for zooming and panning).

4.To get basic information on a selected entity, simply read from the Status Bar (e.g. the Area or Length 2D values).

5.Remember drawing mistakes can easily be undone with Undo.

6.Co-ordinates of a point can be obtained by applying the Query > Coordinate Query function and then click the point of interest. Note, the co-ordinates of that point will be displayed in the Command Window and by using copy/paste the values can be transferred to any external software package.

7.Entities can swiftly be moved/copied to another layer by right-clicking on them and from the ensuing right-click menu select Modify > Move To Layer or Modify > Copy To Layer.

8.Entities with the same colour as a specific entity can be selected by right-clicking on that entity and from the ensuing right-click menu choose Select > Select Same Color.

9.Make use of the grid snapping functionality to facilitate the drawing of accurate lines. Simply tick Show Grid and Snap to Grid in the Snap setup box.

10.Note, the use of Construction Aids, can provided even more drawing assistance than the above Snap to Grid option (or use both functions).