Categories of Time/WQ Simulation Data

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Categories of Time/WQ Simulation Data

Time/WQ Simulation data can be considered in 2 categories, namely data associated with the elements of the system model (i.e. system-specific data), and time/WQ simulation-specific data, i.e. parameters which are not directly related to the system model elements.


The time/WQ simulation-specific data includes:

All Time & WQ Simulation Settings, including Times-, Quality-, Reactions- and Energy Settings;

Time Patterns;

Fire Flows;

Link Controls by Time, Nodes, or Complex Rules;

Water Quality Source definition and parameters.


The only way to enter/edit this category of time/WQ simulation data is by means of the tables and dialog boxes, accessible via the Simulation Data menu options.


The system-specific time/WQ simulation data includes:

Breakdown of Base Demands for nodes into Demand Category percentages;

Time Pattern No. ID’s associated with each node’s Demand Categories;

Time Simulation Tank Parameters, i.e. Bottom Elevation, Min/Max & Initial Water Levels, Area for Volume Curve ID No;

Pumping Speed Schedule Time Pattern ID No’s;

Individual Energy Parameters for Pumps, i.e. Efficiency Curve ID No’s, Energy Price, Time Pattern No for Energy Price variations;

Initial Status of Pipes, Pumps and Valves;

Initial Water Quality at Nodes and Tanks;

Individual Bulk and Wall reaction coefficients for Pipes.


Apart from using the tables/dialog boxes accessible via the Simulation Data menu options, this category of time/WQ simulation data can also be entered/edited by means of the system data spreadsheet editors, or in the Albion environment by means of individually or selectively editing system elements.