Editing Time/WQ Simulation Data in the System Data Editor

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Editing Time/WQ Simulation Data in the System Data Editor

System-specific data required for time/WQ simulation can be edited directly in the appropriate columns of the following tables:

Pipe/CV Table:

oTsim Bulk Rx Coefficient: The Bulk Reaction Coefficient of each pipe (if different from global coefficient).

oTsim Wall Rx Coefficient: The Wall Reaction Coefficient of each pipe (if different from global coefficient).

oTsim Initial Status: The Initial Status (OPEN/CLOSED) of each pipe at the start of simulation.

Pump Table:

oTsim Initial Speed: The Initial Time Simulation Relative Speed (0 = OFF / 1 = 100%) of each pump at the start of simulation.

oTsim Schedule Pattern No: The (optional) time pattern ID No. for varying pump speeds over time.

oTsim Efficiency Curve No: The Curve ID No. for pump efficiency vs. flow (if global pumping efficiency does not apply).

oTsim Energy Price: The energy price per kWh for the pump (if global energy price does not apply).

oTsim Energy Price Pattern No: The (optional) time pattern ID No. to vary energy price over the time simulation.

Valve Table:

oInitial Setting: The Initial Valve Setting of each valve at the start of simulation.

oInitial Valve Status: The Initial Status (OPEN/CLOSED/IGNORE) of each valve at the start of simulation.

Node Table:

oTSim Demand Category(1-5): The Time Pattern ID No. associated with the 5 demand categories of each node.

oTSim Output Category(1-5): The % breakdown of the base demand for each node into the 5 demand categories.

oTSim Initial Quality: The initial water quality for each node.

Tank Table: (“Reservoirs” are tanks which have a zero maximum water level) – see the section on Tank Parameters for Time/WQ Simulation for more detail.

oTSim Bottom Elevation: The bottom elevation of the tank/reservoir.

oTSim Min Water Level: The min. (empty) water level (above bottom). Typically zero for reservoirs.

oTSim Max Water Level: The max. (full) water level (above bottom). Required to be zero for reservoirs.

oInitial Water Level: The initial water level (above bottom) at the start of simulation (typically zero for reservoirs).

oTSim Surface Area: The cross-sectional area of the tank, if cylindrical. Zero for non-cylindrical tanks and reservoirs.

oTSim Min Volume: The volume of water in the tank when it is at its minimum level.

oTSim Time Pattern Curve No: The ID No. of a volume curve which describes the tank volume to height relationship. Zero for cylindrical tanks with area specified. If non-zero for reservoirs, the No. refers to a time pattern ID used to model total head (Bottom Elevation) variations for the reservoir.

oTSim Mixing Model: The type of water quality mixing that occurs within the tank.

oTSim Mixing Fraction: The fraction of the tank's total volume that comprises the inlet-outlet compartment of the two-compartment (2COMP) mixing model.

oTSim Bulk Rx Coefficient: The bulk reaction coefficient for chemical reactions in the tank.

oTSim Initial Quality: The initial water quality for each tank and reservoir.