Entering Input

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Entering Input


Describes how to enter input into the CAD for certain drawing operations. Certain CAD functions require input (i.e. interaction) from the user via the command line.


Entering Points or Coordinates


Coordindates are always entered with respect to the current UCS (User Coordinate System). When possible, the labels of the UCS are shown (such as North, South, Elevation, or most commonly just X,Y,Z).


There are two ways to input a point:

Use the mouse to locate the position on the drawing, and click. This is the most common method of input, and allows one to make use of the various snap modes.


Enter the coordinates on the command line.

Coordinates entered on the command line must be in one of the following forms (for the point [3.14, 5, 8]):

3.14, 5, 8

3.14 5 8

If the last value (Z) is omitted, it is assumed to be zero:

3.14, 5 = [3.14, 5, 0]

3.14 5 = [3.14, 5, 0]

Entering distances and scalar values

The CAD sometimes requires scalar values, such as for the radius of a circle. In such cases, the value can usually be indicated by clicking on the screen (if a base position is already implicit). Alternatively, the value can be entered on the command line.