About Layers

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About Layers


Describes how layers work in the CAD.



Every object in the drawing resides on a layer. When objects are created they are placed on the current layer, which is the layer that appears in the Quick Access Bar at the top of the CAD view. Objects can later be moved to other layers or copied to another layer. New layers can be created or existing ones deleted. Deletion of a layer causes all objects on it to be deleted, and is permanent and cannot be undone.


Draw order

The draw order of objects is wholly determined by their layer. In order to move an object 'To Front', it must be moved to the top-most layer. In order to move it 'To Back', it must be moved to the bottom-most layer. The order of layers can be controlled from the Layer Control box. The draw order of objects residing on the same layer, can be changed with the Modify > Order commands. For example Move to Top of the Modify > Order functions will move the object to the top of drawing order for the specific layer.


Moving or copying objects to another layer

Select the objects to be moved. Right-click, and select Modify > Move To Layer or Copy To Layer.


See Also

Layer Control

Selected CAD entity (Right-click menu)