Steady state analysis

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Steady state analysis

The water distribution system Steady State Analysis module of the program calculates the level of the energy grade line and pressure at each node, the flows and head losses in each pipe, flow and head for each pump, and mode of operation, under steady state conditions, for each pressure reducing valve (PRV); check valve (CV) and flow control valve (FCV); pressure sustaining or breaker valve, or throttle control valve (PSV, PBV, TCV); and general purpose valve (GPV). The precise definitions of the terms used for these hydraulic elements, especially in the context of Wadiso, are useful background information before conducting the steady state analysis. The program supports both looped and branched networks.


A steady state analysis basically consists of:


entering/editing the system data;

balancing the system;

and viewing the results.



The above concepts will be applied and demonstrated in the typical Steady State Analysis session.