Typical Steady State Analysis Session

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Typical Steady State Analysis Session

A typical Steady State Analysis session is given here below:

Start up the program and set up the project.

Use the built-in Albion module to:

- Load in the system background drawing, e.g. cadastral township layout.

- Draw the pipe network on the background.

- Convert the pipe network drawing to a numbered Wadiso model.

- Edit special elements of the model, e.g. tanks, pumps.

- Apply the digital terrain model (DTM) to calculate elevations.

Edit the model data (also referred to as system data) via the spreadsheet table editors, e.g. the assignment of outputs to the nodes.

Save the model data.

Balance the system to calculate the flow and pressure distribution.

View the results:

- by accessing the model result tables

- or graphically in the Albion environment

Quit the program.