Export Link and Node Layers to Model

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Navigation:  Wadiso 6 User Guide > Model input and display of results in the Albion environment > Performing special operations on the system > Exporting the System to GIS >

Export Link and Node Layers to Model

Export Link and Node Layers to Model is an internal Wadiso function which exports the current Wadiso model to an Albion Network Topology model. The function is automatically invoked by the program every time the Wadiso model changes. There is thus not a specific menu item to access this function (because the program does this automatically in the background). The user can therefore at all times access an Albion  Network Topology model version of the Wadiso model via GIS > Network Topologies > Add/Remove/Configure Network. This special GIS version of the model, of which the links and nodes are now logically connected (as in Wadiso), can further be manipulated and queried by using the powerful CAD/GIS functions available in the Albion environment.