Export Nodel Layers

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Navigation:  Wadiso 6 User Guide > Model input and display of results in the Albion environment > Performing special operations on the system > Exporting the System to GIS >

Export Nodel Layers

The Model Data > Model Export > Export Node Layers function has options to export all system nodes.  The Export Nodes box will appear from which system and result fields can be selected that should appear in the final GIS layer data (attribute) table:


The user can select fields from the Node and Tank Tables.  The fields can be selected from the corresponding drop-down list boxes and will then automatically appear in the To Field Name input box. The Add Export Field button can be clicked to add a new export field (i.e. a new row will be added to the Export Nodes table wizard). The output (i.e. export) GIS layer data name can be specified at the Export to Table input box. This exported table will contain all the node information, i.e. merged into one table.

The Export With Jumps tick box is not applicable to nodes. Export to File exports the shapefile (with all nodes and information merged into one shapefile). When the Export to GIS button is clicked, then only the data (i.e. attribute) table of the aforementioned merged export GIS layer will appear in the GIS Layer Manager flagged with a star on which the user can click to save it.

Note,  a filter can be applied (by entering an SQL query expression) to export only specific nodes.