Model input and display of results in the Albion environment

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Model input and display of results in the Albion environment

The built-in Albion module of Wadiso represents a major extension to the capabilities of the program. It offers a CAD-like environment in which the system can be graphically entered or edited, against a background of e.g. the cadastral layout of the township, or a bitmap image of an aerial photograph. It also provides powerful functions for selectively editing large portions of the system, or for querying the system, thereby rendering it almost a “mini GIS”.

This chapter covers the following Albion interactions:

Drawing a pipe system

Building system topology

Manage model appurtenances

Applying model tools on the system

Displaying the system

Editing links and nodes

System selection

Searching the system

Deleting a model

Performing special operations on the system, such as:

oassignment of nodal ground elevation

ogenerating pressure contours

oassignment and conversion of model projections

oWGS system conversion

oexporting the system to GIS

oimporting a model from GIS

oexporting a WAZ model

oexporting an EPANet model