Adding data points/links to the graph

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Adding data points/links to the graph

Any data series consisting of Y, X points saved in an ASCII file can be plotted on the graph. This is done by selecting Edit > Add/Edit Series from (from the Graph Editor menu) and then click on the Add Points or Add Lines button. The Series Editor dialog box will then open where the following have to be specified for the new series:

Series name

Series colour

In the case of line, series type (data points, horizontal line, vertical line or parabolic function).

In the case of line, line type (e.g. solid, dash, dot, etc.).

In the case of points, symbol type (e.g rectangle, circle, triangle, etc.).

In the case of data points, the data file (accessible via the Load Points button) in which the data points have been saved.

In the case of the lines, the position of the lines which can be set via the Set Value(s) button.

Thereafter the series will appear on the graph, and any specific settings can be made to customize the appearance of the series.

The format of the ASCII data file with the data points is very simple. Each line in the file must consist of two values, the first being the X value, and the second the Y value. The file can consist of any number of lines. It can typically be used to display the actual pump curve as a comparison to the fitted parabolic function used by the program, or to compare field measurements to the results of a time/WQ simulation for purposes of calibration. A typical data file with pump curve points may look as follows:

Optional comment lines can be inserted, starting with the character “;” (The first comment line read in will be used as the series name)

; Pump Curve Points

; X=Flow Y = Head(l/s and m)

0.0 134.0

100.0 100.0

200.0 0.0