Viewing Graphs of relevant data and results

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Viewing Graphs of relevant data and results

An X-Y type graph provides a meaningful way to view/check certain data related to a network analysis, as well as a tool for viewing and interpreting results. A flexible graphing function (Graph Editor) has therefore been built into the program. The capabilities and settings of this graphing function are described in this section.

A typical Pump Curve Graph (Flow-Head) for a pump is shown below:



Other X-Y type graphs include time series results of a time/WQ simulation analysis, a cost vs pressure plot of the optimum and Pareto Optimal results after an optimization run, Cost functions, Time patterns, etc.

The Graph Editor is accessible from certain input/results tables and also from the right-click menus when right-clicking on a node/link in the Albion environment. The Graph Editor menus and options are:


File, with

- Save Page as .BMP

- Save Series to Data file

- Save Graph to Disk

- Load Graph from Disk

- Settings

- Save Session settings

- Print/Preview

- Exit

Edit, with

- Copy to Clipboard

- Insert Annotation

- Add/Edit Series

-Edit chart

Special, with the following options depending on the type of graph

- Select Pumps (Pump Curve Graph)

- Select Links (Time Series Graphs for Links)

- Select Nodes (Time Series Graphs for Nodes)

View, with

- Zoom

- Zoom All

Help – which gives access to the Wadiso on-line Help facility.

The following topics, related to graphs, are also discussed in the next sections:

Types of graphs

Graph settings

Customizing the appearance of a graph series

Special graph editing functions

Zoomed views of the graph

Selecting links/nodes/objects for the graph

Adding data points and/or links to the graph

Saving the graph

Printing the graph

The user can interact with the Graph Editor by either selecting options from the menu, or right-clicking on the graph and selecting an option from the context menu.