Editing the layer data

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Editing the layer data

The land use layer data can be edited by opening the table (via the EditTable Database icon as described for viewing layer data), then simply double-clicking on the field values and overwrite them. Albion also has a very useful interactive editing capability between the spatial and table environments, which will be demonstrated here below:

Click somewhere on the perimeter of the big blue polygon (in the south) - it is now spatially selected as shown below:


Open the layer data table by clicking on the EditTable Database icon (as described for viewing layer data). The associated record of the spatially selected polygon will now automatically also become selected and highlighted in the table:


In the selected row, double-click on the "Education" text (of the LAND_USE field). Overwrite it with the text "Commercial" as shown below (then press Enter, to update the table):


Notice how the polygon colour will automatically change to red, which is the colour associated with commercial property (see rendering shapefiles).

Also try out the following: Select any other record in the table by clicking anywhere on that row. You will see that the associated polygon shape becomes selected in the spatial environment as well...