Albion GIS: step-by-step

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Albion GIS: step-by-step

Albion GIS is a compact GIS (Geographical Information System) which provides the user with standard GIS functions such as to load/edit spatial data, open/view/query/edit attribute data and to explore data via colour rendering (i.e. thematic mapping). You will be able to do all of that by simply following these steps:


Finding the GIS menus and icons

Opening a polygon shapefile

Viewing the layer data

Querying the layer data

Changing the style of the shapefile

Changing the rendering of the shapefile

Editing the layer data

Editing shape vertices

Saving changes made to shapefile


The above Albion GIS Quick Start Guide only scratches the surface with respect to the full capabilities of the program, yet will give you an understanding of the structure of the program, and the basic functions/procedures required to get started with typical geographical data processing and analysis. More information and detailed examples are given in the Albion User Guide and the Albion Tutorial Guides.

Note on electronic use:


Simply page through the tutorial from one section to the next/back by using the >  < buttons located at the top right of the help window, or simply select the section from the Table of Contents and it will branch directly to it.