Categories of Optimization Data

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Categories of Optimization Data

Optimization data can be considered in 2 categories, namely data associated with the elements of the system model (i.e. system specific data), and optimization specific data, i.e. parameters which are not directly related to the system model elements.

The optimization specific data includes:

Pareto Optimal tolerances.

Hazen-Williams coefficient for cleaned/lined pipes.

Candidate sizes for each group of pipes.

Tank sizing parameters (discussed in the section on tank optimization).

The only way to enter/edit this category of optimization data is by means of the tables and dialog boxes accessible via Optimization Data menu options.

The system specific optimization data includes:

Group number to which each pipe/CV belongs.

Pipe cost function number associated with each pipe/CV.

The 5 load cases (outputs & pressures) associated with each node.

The wire-to-water efficiency associated with each pump.

The RunTimes% associated with each pump, under the 5 load cases.

The tank parameters required for tank sizing, associated with each tank (discussed in the section on tank optimization).

Apart from using the tables/dialog boxes accessible via the Optimization Data menu options, this category of optimization data can be entered/edited also by means of the system data spreadsheet editors, or in the Albion environment by means of individually or selectively editing system elements.