Editing Optimization Data in the System Data Editor

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Editing Optimization Data in the System Data Editor

System specific data required for optimization can be edited directly in the appropriate columns of the following tables.

Pipe & CV Table:

- Opt Group: The optimization group for each pipe/CV.

- Cost Fn: The pipe cost function number associated with each pipe/CV.

Node Table:

- Load (1-5): The output for each of the 5 load cases for each node.

- Press (1-5): The required min. pressures at each node for each of the 5 load cases.

Pump Table:

- Efficiency%: The wire-to-water efficiency of each pump.

- TimeRunning%(1-5): The % of time in a specific year that a pump is expected to operate under each of the 5 load cases.

Tank Table: (Only required for tank size optimization)

- Avg.level: Average level above ground elevation of the balancing component of the tank.

- Emer.Vol: Required volume in the emergency component of the tank.

- Exis.Vol: Existing volume of the tank.

- Cost Fn: The tank cost function number associated with the tank.