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The Optimization module of the program calculates the least cost combination of pipes, pumps and tank sizes (optional) which will meet a specific set of design constraints, such as load cases and required minimum pressures. The technique employed by the program is a very simple enumeration. The user specifies a range of candidate sizes for each group of pipes to be sized, and the loads and minimum pressures the system has to comply with. The program then enumerates (exhaustive trial-and-error) all possible pipe size combinations, test each combination to separate the workable and non-workable combinations, and selects the lowest cost workable solutions. This solution can optionally be transferred to the system data.

A water distribution system optimization basically consists of:

entering or editing the Cost Data and Optimization data/parameters for optimization.

performing the optimization, i.e. size the pipes, pumps and tanks.

viewing the result of the optimization.

In order to do optimization based on cost, the cost functions for pipes, pumps and tanks have to be specified.

Prior to venturing into Optimization it would be prudent to study the optimization technique/concepts, general optimization terms, and the additional data required for optimization. An alternative means for input and editing of optimization data is presented, as well as the storage of Optimization data. A typical Optimization session is included to demonstrate the basics of optimization.

The optimization module works exclusively with the Wadiso balancer, and not the EPANet balancer. For this reason, optimization cannot be performed on systems with PSVs, PBVs, TCVs, GPVs, emitters, pipes with minor losses, or pumps with multi-point curves, since these features are not supported by the Wadiso balancer.