Optimization Settings and Parameters

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Optimization Settings and Parameters

The Optimization Settings dialog box is accessed via Optimization Data > Optimization Settings.


The settings in this box are:

Cleaning Coefficient (HW): The Hazen-Williams coefficient which will be applicable to existing (rough) pipes which are cleaned/lined, as opposed to reinforcing them with a parallel pipe. A button is available to select a Hazen-Williams coefficient from a lookup table.


Pareto Tolerances:


- Pressure: The maximum “slack” allowed in generating Pareto Optimal solutions which violate the minimum pressure requirements, but are cheaper than the optimum solution. This value given is in pressure head (m or psi) below the specified minimum pressures.


- Cost: The maximum “slack” allowed in generating Pareto Optimal solutions which are more expensive than the optimum solution, but provide better pressure. The value given is the allowable percentage (%) of which the cost may exceed the optimum solution. (If the Pressure and Cost “slacks” are set to zero, a single optimum solution is produced. The more generous the “slacks”, the more alternative “Pareto Optimal” solutions are produced).


Optional Filters:


- Eliminate Small Pipes: If ticked, the program will perform the test on size range in order to attempt to reduce the number of candidate sizes assigned to each group.


- Size / Fast Filter: If ticked, the program will perform the size test before calculating the pressures for a given combination of pipes.


- Include Tank Sizing: Note, this tank sizing option will only be available in future Wadiso versions. Eventually this tick box will have the following functionality: If ticked, tank sizes and tank costs are to be calculated as part of the optimization. If not ticked, the program will consider only pipe cost and energy cost in the optimization.


(As a general rule, the Eliminate Small Pipes and Size/Fast Filter boxes should always be ticked, to save computer time. De-activation of these filters should only be done when the user suspects that the optimization procedure is “missing out” on potential optimum solutions which will only occur in very rare circumstances).


Evolutionary Optimization:


- Enabled: If ticked, evolutionary optimization will be performed.


- Grouping of Pipes:  If ticked, pipe grouping will be included in the optimization.