Energy Cost Parameters for Individual Pumps

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Energy Cost Parameters for Individual Pumps

The energy usage and cost for every pump over the time simulation can be calculated by the program global energy cost parameters, which are set in the Energy tab of the Time/WQ Simulation settings. These parameters can be overridden for specific or all individual pumps by selecting Simulation Data > Simulation Data in Model Tables > Pump Cost Parameters.




The individual energy parameters for pumps are data associated with each pump in the system. The above sub-menu option therefore gives access to the regular Pump table, where other system data, such as the characteristic curves and relative speed of the pumps, can and should have been entered already.


When entering the Pump table (via Pump Cost Parameters menu option), the table automatically scrolls to the “Tsim Efficiency Curve No” column (as shown below). This column and the adjacent “Tsim Energy Price” and “Tsim Energy Price Pattern No” columns need to be populated by the user. Initially, by default, all 3 columns of every pump will have zero values, indicating that the global parameters specified in the Time/WQ Simulation Settings > Energy tab will apply.




Tsim Efficiency Curve No: The Curve Number that represents the pump's wire-to-water efficiency (in percent) as a function of flow rate. This information is used only to compute energy usage. Leave at zero, if not applicable, or if the global pump efficiency supplied with the Time Simulation Energy Settings will be used.

Tsim Energy Price: The average or nominal price of energy in monetary units per kWh. Used only for computing the cost of energy usage. Leave at zero, if not applicable, or if the global value supplied with the Time Simulation Energy Settings will be used.

Tsim Energy Price Time Pattern No: The Curve Number of the time pattern used to describe the variation in energy price throughout the day. Each multiplier in the pattern is applied to the pump's Energy Price to determine a time-of-day pricing for the corresponding period. Leave blank, if not applicable, or if the global pricing pattern specified in the Time Simulation Energy Settings will be used.


(The pump energy parameters are considered system-specific time/WQ simulation data, which is saved as part of the system data. It is not saved as part of the time/WQ simulation-specific data).


The pump energy parameter is a property associated with each pump in the system data. Therefore, it can also be entered/edited directly in the Pump table, or in the Link Info box (also referred to as the Database box) available in the Albion environment, or by the selective editing features available in the Albion environment.