Spreadsheet editing/viewing vs. Albion environment

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Spreadsheet editing/viewing vs. Albion environment

The spreadsheet type editors and spreadsheet type results viewers portray the data and results in tabular form. They are useful in that the data can be sorted, selected, printed, etc. for easy editing and viewing. Also, they provide insight into how the different data sets are made up and linked to each other. However, for large systems, the amount of data contained in the spreadsheet type tables becomes substantial, making it very difficult to sensibly view the data and results, let alone, enter it through typing on the keyboard.


The built-in Albion module provides a much simpler and more efficient graphical environment through which data can be entered, edited and/or viewed. It is therefore unlikely that the user will ever have to physically enter the system data, or at least the bulk of it, through the keyboard.


In the Albion environment:

The system can be drawn in on a cadastral or bitmap image background;

The drawing can automatically be converted to a Wadiso system model, with automatic assignment of link and node numbers, pipe diameters, and pipe roughness coefficients;

The system and results can be viewed or queried in a variety of ways;

The information on each link and node can be viewed and/or edited in the Database box by simply clicking on the element;

Selective and/or bulk editing of system parameters (e.g. diameters, coefficients) can be graphically set up and executed;

Profiles (i.e. long sections) of pipelines can be produced;

Contours can be generated for node elevation heights, node pressure, and energy grade line along pipes (see Generate Pressure Contours);

The system and results can be viewed very quickly and efficiently, in accordance with predefined query definitions; and

The information on each link and node can be viewed and edited by clicking on the element.