Scope of the help manual

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Scope of the help manual

This help manual explains how to use Wadiso Version 6 and how to interpret the results. It assumes that the user is familiar with the basic principles of flow in pipe networks, as they apply to the computation of flow and pressure distribution. Using the help manual and the program do not require knowledge of computer programming.


The help manual is arranged in sections. After this introductory section, sections follow on program startup and main menu layout, setting up a project, steady state analysis, the use of time and water quality simulation, and optimization of networks. This is followed by a section on the optional tank sizing optimization routine. Viewing graphs, interacting with the Albion environment, and the setup, editing and use of lookup tables are described in the last three sections. The time simulation and optimization sections also contain step-by-step worked examples.


In Appendix A, the user will find conversion tables for metric (SI) and imperial units. Appendix B gives a lists of typical values of pipe roughness coefficients for the Hazen-Williams and Darcy-Weisbach head loss equations. Appendix C describes the formats in which Wadiso stores its system data and other data.


Wadiso is a comprehensive design tool, offering numerous options. Accordingly, it will require considerable time for the user to become highly efficient in the use of the program. Yet, it is easy to build up the expertise. Use of the steady state analysis option can be mastered quickly. The optimization option is more challenging, since not many engineers have previous experience in network optimization. Yet again, the simplest concepts in optimization can be comprehended in little time. Extended time simulation, water quality simulation, and optimization are all relatively complex, in part because of the additional input required to run these modules. But, through the use of default parameters, the user can get started on these options, without the need for understanding all the finer points of the program.