Editing and Saving of Cost Data

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Editing and Saving of Cost Data

The cost data required for optimization purposes can be entered in a settings dialog box and three spreadsheet type table editors. The settings dialog box and editors are available through selecting the Cost Data > Edit Cost Data Settings and Cost Data > Cost Data Tables menu items respectively.

The following cost data should be entered (and saved):

Cost data settings

Pipe cost

Pumping energy cost

Tank cost

The other Cost Data tables accessible under Cost Data > Cost Data Tables such as e.g. for Valve, Tower, Well, Dam, Borehole, etc. are not applicable to optimization and will only have to be completed in case a System Value (and Age) Summary is requested.

Also note, as part of the Wadiso package, we include the file GLS2008-9.WCS, which contains the latest cost function data for all the different model entity types. This file is located under \Program Files\GLS\Wadiso6 and can be loaded into Wadiso.