Exporting to other data formats

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Exporting to other data formats

There are many programs available for steady state system analysis. The most widely used are KYPipe, CyberNet, Piccolo, WaterCAD and EPANet. The model data structures for these programs are not exactly similar to the Wadiso structure, but in essence, they all have to contain the basic information required to perform the hydraulic calculations.


It is often also very useful to export a Wadiso model to a GIS. You can then manipulate the GIS version of the model (e.g. move nodes/links to their correct position with regard to an underlying GIS or image; also make use of the powerful CAD/GIS selection functions). This updated GIS model can then be imported again into Wadiso for further hydraulic analyses.


The following exporting functions are available, via Model Data > Model Export:




Export Tables to GIS: Can be used to export all links and nodes in the model to GIS shapefile format. The model data fields, to be included in the attribute table of the shapefile, can be selected in a special dialog box.

Export Link Layers: Can be used to export all links in the model to GIS shapefile format. The model data fields, to be included in the attribute table of the shapefile, can be selected in a special dialog box.

Export Node Layers: Can be used to export all nodes in the model to GIS shapefile format. The model data fields, to be included in the attribute table of the shapefile, can be selected in a special dialog box.

Export Link Layers to Model: Can be used to export the model to GIS format with topology - i.e. links & nodes are logically connected. The topology is established by including, in the export, the data representing the From Node and To Node of each link in the model.

Export to WAZ (Wadiso 5): To export a Wadiso hydraulic model to the older Wadiso 5 (*.WAZ) format.

Export All Models to WAZ (Wadiso 5): To export all Wadiso hydraulic models in the current project (i.e. both active and inactive models) to the older Wadiso 5 (*.WAZ) format.

Export Epanet Model: To export a Wadiso hydraulic model to an EPANet model.

Export Epanet Model (WaterCAD): To export a Wadiso hydraulic model to a WaterCAD model.