Valve Result Table

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Valve Result Table

The Valve Results table is accessed by selecting Analysis > Steady State > Result Tables > Valve.


The system data is displayed, together with the following balanced results, for each PRV, PSV, FCV, PBV, TCV or GPV in the system:

The nodes are displayed in the flow direction “From” - “To”.

The status (ACTIVE/OPEN/REMOVED) of the valve under balanced conditions

Valve flow rate

Valve flow velocity (if a diameter other than zero was specified)

Valve head loss

Average energy head

The energy head at the upstream node of the valve

The energy head at the downstream node of the valve

Average pressure head

The pressure head at the upstream node of the valve

The pressure head at the downstream node of the valve


Optimization data, Time/WQ simulation data, and the water quality results also appear in the table to the right of the balanced results. These aspects are discussed in the relevant sections.