How To...

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How To...


How Do I ...?


Create Custom Linetypes?

From the bottom of the linetype picker, choose 'Edit Linetypes'. From the linetype editor you can create new linetypes or edit existing ones, as well as import and export linetypes.


Fill an area?

Only polygons and circles can be filled. In order to fill a circle or a polygon, edit its Brush, and give it a solid fill color.


Change object draw order?

Object draw order has to be controlled by placing objects on different layers. The layers get drawn from the top in the list to bottom in the list. The object draw order can then be changed by simply shifting the layers in the Layer Control box. The draw order of objects residing on the same layer, can be changed with the Modify > Order functions. For example Move to Top of the Modify > Order functions will move the object to the top of drawing order for the specific layer.


How can I copy objects on to another layer?

Objects can swiftly be moved/copied to another layer by right-clicking on them and from the ensuing right-click menu select Modify > Move To Layer or Modify > Copy To Layer.


Measure the distance between two points?

Simply apply the QueryDistanceMeasure distance tool on the Query Bar. Click then on the first point and then on the second point. Right-click to obtain the distance between the two points in the Command Window.


Query a selected entity?

You can get information on a selected entity via the following: 1.) Simply read from the Status Bar e.g. the Area or Length 2D values  2.) Open the Edit box to get information 3.) Open the Database box if the selected entity is a GIS shape.


How to undo drawing mistakes?

Simply make use of the Undo tool to roll back.


How to snap the mouse pointer to the end point of a line?

Make sure Vertex / End Point is ticked in the Snap setup box,


How to draw to construction lines?

Apply the Construction Aids tool. A toolbar with various construction line options will appear at the top of the drawing.


How to insert dimensions?

The Dimensions tool can draw many different types of dimensions, viz. Radial, Diameter, Linear, Linear Aligned or Angular.